What we do

PEOPLE´S MEDIA is proud to announce that the European Commission has approved our intercultural project

The crisis in Europe, the crisis in me
Experimenting free writing and
creative writing tools

Mo, 17th of October - Mo 24th of October 2011

and invites you to participate in a fully financed
8-day stay in the Austrian City of

UNESCO World Heritage, Cultural Capital 2003,
UNESCO City of Design 2011

- With Accomodation in single rooms
- Full board with meals in typical austrian restaurants
- Workshops, activities and visits according to the description
- Refund of travel costs

If you want to improve your creativity this workshop will show you how copywriters, journalists, advertisers, screenplay writers, authors and lyrisists get their inspiration and develop their themes in a relaxing, motivating way - with creative free writing tools like brainwriting processes, word-plays, therapeutic methods and procedures to defeat the writer´s block.

daily plan,

Application Form

Target group:
People of all ages between 18-80
interested in starting to write
and writers who like to experiment creativity methods to provoke spontaneity and the flow of ideas.
Participants should:
- feel the necessity to write
- like to write in English: perfect knowledge not required, but you should feel comfortably in English (more complex exercises can be made in the mother tongue and then be translated to English)
- have a journalistic vein and be concerned with the social and political environment as the workshop-themes deal not only with personal creativity but try to find solutions to the social, economic, ecological, political and ethical questions which Europe has to confront.
Deadline of application:

26th of September
What we do

© 2011 Karina Liebe-Kreutzner